Indo-Aryan píṇḍa [0-92029]

Property Value
Reflex píṇḍa
Language Indo-Aryan
Entry píṇḍa [8168]
Subset [1]
Gloss lump, clod, piece; mouthful, ball of rice &c.; calf of leg; lump; lump, lump of food; any fleshy swelling, esp. calf of leg; having large calves; lump

m; RV; Gr̥Śr; Mālatīm; Suśr; Āpast; Yājñ; lex; see also piḍaka-, pēṇḍa-, pēṇḍha-, pēḍa-, pēḍha-, pēnda-, pēntha, puṇḍa-, pōdda-, *pōnda

References T1962—1966

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