Indo-Aryan katʰáyati [2703]
Showing 42 of 42 reflexes.
[1] |
converses with, describes |
MBh |
[2] |
speaks, preaches |
says |
[3] Deriv |
makes say |
causes to be called |
to be called |
to make say |
< |
to make say |
< |
to send a message |
to read |
[4] |
reads, calls, sings |
(pp. kī) |
teaches |
Unclassified |
(vt) say, utter, speak; tell, order; call, mention, describe, speak of, praise |
pres.1s kahaüṃ, kahāṃ, kahīṃ |
(m) utterance, description |
inf., ger. |
(m) utterance, description |
inf., ger. |
(m) what is said, instruction, order, command |
pp. |
(vt; vi) cause to be said or called; be called |
kāhā /kɐhɐ/ |
speak/he spoke |
kāh /kɐh/ |
speak/he spoke |
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